Category:Txn unit:lacZYA
The lac operon is a paradigm system for transcriptional regulation. Three genes lacZ, lacY, and lacA are transcribed from the lac promoter, which is negatively regulated by Lac repressor and positively regulated by CAP-cAMP.
The lac promoter
main article:lac promoter
Mutagenesis of the lac promoter operator region[1] was used to demonstrate a method for targeting multiple mutations to a small region.
Negative regulation by Lac repressor
main article Gene Product(s)
Positive regulation by CAP-cAMP
main article Gene Product(s)
Regulation under different growth conditions
Stochastic induction in the absence of inducer
All-or-none regulation at low inducer concentrations
Catabolite repression at lac
Diaxic growth
When E. coli is grown on a mix of carbon sources, such as glucose and lactose, it will first consume the glucose and then induce expression of lacZYA to consume the lactose. This is an example of diauxie.
Inducer exclusion
See also
Pages in category "Txn unit:lacZYA"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.