Phenotype Tools

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Explore the phenotypic landscape of E. coli K-12

Nichols et al. (2011) examine more than 10,000 phenotypes of E. coli mutants grown under hundreds of different conditions.[1] You can explore their data using our online data browser, which allows three kinds of searches:

  • gene vs gene
  • condition vs condition
  • gene vs condition

The first two searches return pairs of genes or conditions with the strongest positive and negative correlation coefficients across all conditions or mutations, respectively. The third search returns the conditions that give the strongest positive and negative effects on the fitness for combinations matching the specified gene(s) and condition(s).

The full data sets are also available for download.

Phenotypic Landscape Browser

Explore an E. coli K-12 gene network involved in stress-induced mutagenesis (SIM)

Al Mamun et al. (Science 2012) identified this network of 93 E. coli K-12 genes by first screening for mutants deficient in mutagenic repair of DNA breaks under stress, followed by secondary screens for genes that participate in activation of stress responses.[2] You can explore their data using our data browser, which allows the following views of the results:

  • All SIM network genes
  • SIM network genes upstream of rpoE
  • SIM network genes upstream of rpoS
  • UV-sensitive SIM network genes upstream of the SOS response
  • Essential SIM network genes and promoter mutations

The supplemental data from the paper are also available for download.

Stress-induced Mutagenesis Gene Network


See Help:References for how to manage references in EcoliWiki.

  1. Nichols, RJ et al. (2011) Phenotypic landscape of a bacterial cell. Cell 144 143-56 PubMed
  2. Al Mamun, AA et al. (2012) Identity and function of a large gene network underlying mutagenic repair of DNA breaks. Science 338 1344-8 PubMed