Talk:Plasmid F finO:Gene Product(s)
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Gene Ontology Question
Hello everyone!
I am currently annotating the gene ontology of the finO gene on the F plasmid of E. coli and have run into a problem.
According to this paper ( ... 3%5Buid%5D), finO represses bacterial conjugation. There is a GO term for the negative regulation of conjugation (GO:0031135) ( ... onjugation). However, in searching for the most specific GO term possible, I found the term for unidirectional conjugation (GO:0009291) ( ... onjugation). There are no terms for the regulation of unidirectional conjugation. Because E. coli performs unidirectional conjugation, would it be more appropriate to annotate finO as regulating unidirectional conjugation as opposed to conjugation?
Is the regulation of unidirectional conjugation a term that should be requested?
Note: I am only responsible for the last two annotations to the gene product table. The first two annotations were already present when I began.