Category:rRNA operons

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In E. coli K-12, rRNAs are expressed from 7 operons: <protect>

Operon Synonyms Strand P1 start P2 start Genes T1 T1 Poly(U) Region T2 T2 Poly(U) Region Evidence for terminators Notes





rrsA - ileT - alaT - rrlA - rrfA

4,038,670 - 4,038,690

4,038,701 - 4,038,712

4,038,842 - 4,038,861

4,038,862 - 4,038,873

Inferred from Sequence Alignment with rrnB terminators. Inferred from sequence model.[1]

The genes for tRNAAla1B and tRNAIle are located in between the 16S and 23S rRNA [2]





rrsB - gltT - rrlB - rrfB

4,169,789 - 4,169,820

4,169,821 - 4,169,832

4,169,956 - 4,169,988

4,169,990 - 4,170,001

Inferred from Direct Assay. [3] Inferred from sequence model.[1]

The gene for tRNAGlu2 is located in between the 16S and 23S rRNA [2]





rrsC - gltU - rrlC - rrfC - aspT - trpT

3,944,859 - 3,944,874

3,945,063 - 3,945,082

3945083 - 3945094

Inferred by sequence alignment.[4] Inferred from sequence model.[1]

The genes encoding tRNATrp and tRNAAsp are located at the 3' end of the operon.

The gene for tRNAGlu2 is located in between the 16S and 23S rRNA [5] [6]





rrsD - ileU - alaU - rrlD - rrfD - thrV - rrfF

3,421,435 - 3,421,404

3,421,403 - 3,421,392

3,421,268 - 3,421,236

3,421,235 - 3,421,224

Inferred from Sequence Alignment with rrnB terminators. Inferred from sequence model.[1]

The rrnD operon has the gene for tRNAThr at the distal end of the operon [7] [8].

The genes for tRNAAla1B and tRNAIle are located in between the 16S and 23S rRNA [2]





rrsE - gltV - rrlE - rrfE

4,210,753 - 4,210,773

4,211,196 - 4,211,216

4211217 - 4211228

Inferred from sequence model.[1]

The gene for tRNAGlu2 is located in between the 16S and 23S rRNA [2]






rrsG - gltW - rrlG - rrfG

2,724,076 - 2,724,057

2724076 - 2724057

Inferred from Sequence Alignment with rrnB terminators. Inferred from sequence model[1].

The gene for tRNAGlu2 is located in between the 16S and 23S rRNA [2]





rrsH - ileV - alaV - rrlH - rrfH - aspU

228,892 - 228,907

229,017 - 229,036

229,037 - 229,048

Inferred from sequence alignments with rrnC. Inferred from sequence model[1].

The genes for tRNAAla1B and tRNAIle are located in between the 16S and 23S rRNA [2]


  • rrnA
  • rrnB
  • rrnC - 83 minutes
  • rrnD
  • rrnE
  • rrnG (aka rrnF)
  • rrnH

General Structure

  • A strain carrying deletions of all chromosomal rRNAs has been described. [9]

Promoter -- gene encoding 16S rRNA -- either: tRNAGlu or tRNAAla & tRNAIle -- gene encoding 23S rRNA -- gene encoding 5S rRNA -- Some operons have additional tRNA genes (tRNATrp & tRNAAsp) -- terminators

Click to see a diagram of rRNA operons or diagram of rRNA operons




Operon T1 Stem Coord. T2 Stem Coord. Evidence


4,038,670-4,038,682 & 4,038,687-4,038,690

4,038,842-4038,849 & 4,038,854-4,038,861

Inferred from Sequence Alignment with rrnB terminators. Inferred from sequence model.[1]


4,169,789 - 4,169,802 & 4,169,807 - 4,169,820

4,169,956 - 4,169,969 & 4,169,974 - 4,169,988

Inferred from Direct Assay. [3] Inferred from sequence model.[1]


3,944,859 - 3,944,863 & 3,944,870 - 3,944,874

3,945,063 - 3,945,071 & 3,945,075 - 3,945,082

Inferred by sequence alignment.[4] Inferred from sequence model.[1]


3,421,435 - 3,421,422 & 3,421,417 - 3,421,404

3,421,268 - 3,241,255 & 3,241,250 - 3,421,236

Inferred from Sequence Alignment with rrnB terminators. Inferred from sequence model.[1]


4,210,753 - 4,210,760 & 4,210,766 - 4,210,773

4,211,196 - 4,211,203 & 4,211,209 - 4,211,216

Inferred from sequence model.[1]


2,724,076 - 2,724,069 & 2,724,064 - 2,724,057

Inferred from Sequence Alignment with rrnB terminators. Inferred from sequence model.[1]


228,892 - 228,896 & 228,903 - 228,907

229,017 - 229,024 & 229,029 - 229,036

Inferred from sequence alignments with rrnC. Inferred from sequence model[1].


References and genbank entries

  • rrnB [3]
  • rrnC [4]
  • rrnD operon contains downstream tRNAs and multiple 5S rRNAs[8].Genbank
  • rrnE Genbank. Liebke and Hatfull [10] sequenced an rrnE terminator and compared it to the sequences in rrnB and rrnD.
  • rrnF (aka rrnG) 3'end[11][12] Genbank



See Help:References for how to manage references in EcoliWiki.

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Lesnik, EA et al. (2001) Prediction of rho-independent transcriptional terminators in Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Res. 29 3583-94 PubMed
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Harvey, S & Hill, CW (1990) Exchange of spacer regions between rRNA operons in Escherichia coli. Genetics 125 683-90 PubMed
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Orosz, A et al. (1991) Analysis of the complex transcription termination region of the Escherichia coli rrnB gene. Eur. J. Biochem. 201 653-9 PubMed
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Young, RA (1979) Transcription termination in the Escherichia coli ribosomal RNA operon rrnC. J. Biol. Chem. 254 12725-31 PubMed
  5. Morgan, EA et al. (1978) Some rRNA operons in E. coli have tRNA genes at their distal ends. Cell 13 335-44 PubMed
  6. Morgan, EA et al. (1977) Identification of spacer tRNA genes in individual ribosomal RNA transcription units of Escherichia coli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74 2710-4 PubMed
  7. Gourse, RL & Nomura, M (1984) Level of rRNA, not tRNA, synthesis controls transcription of rRNA and tRNA operons in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 160 1022-6 PubMed
  8. 8.0 8.1 Duester, GL & Holmes, WM (1980) The distal end of the ribosomal RNA operon rrnD of Escherichia coli contains a tRNA1thr gene, two 5s rRNA genes and a transcription terminator. Nucleic Acids Res. 8 3793-807 PubMed
  9. Asai, T et al. (1999) An Escherichia coli strain with all chromosomal rRNA operons inactivated: complete exchange of rRNA genes between bacteria. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96 1971-6 PubMed
  10. Liebke, H & Hatfull, G (1985) The sequence of the distal end of the E. coli ribosomal RNA rrnE operon indicates conserved features are shared by rrn operons. Nucleic Acids Res. 13 5515-25 PubMed
  11. Sekiya, T et al. (1980) Sequence of the distal tRNA1Asp gene and the transcription termination signal in the Escherichia coli ribosomal RNA operon rrnF(or G). Nucleic Acids Res. 8 3809-27 PubMed
  12. Albrechtsen, B et al. (1991) Transcriptional termination sequence at the end of the Escherichia coli ribosomal RNA G operon: complex terminators and antitermination. Nucleic Acids Res. 19 1845-52 PubMed