lambda repressor/N-domain

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Lambda repressor N-terminal domain/operator cocrystal PDB:1LMB
<jmol> <jmolApplet> <color>white</color> <name>1LMB</name> <uploadedFileContents >1LMB.pdb</uploadedFileContents> <script> wireframe off; spacefill off; trace off; spacefill on; rotate ON; color chain; hide water; select *:1, *:2; color cpk; </script> </jmolApplet> </jmol>
<jmol> <jmolCheckbox > <scriptWhenChecked > rotate on; </scriptWhenChecked > <scriptWhenUnchecked > rotate off; </scriptWhenUnchecked > <checked>true</checked> <text>rotate</text> </jmolCheckbox > <jmolCheckbox> <scriptWhenChecked > hide none; hide hoh; </scriptWhenChecked > <scriptWhenUnchecked > hide *:1,*:2; </scriptWhenUnchecked > <checked>true</checked> <text>DNA</text> </jmolCheckbox > <jmolCheckbox > <scriptWhenChecked > hide none; hide hoh; </scriptWhenChecked > <scriptWhenUnchecked > hide *:3, *:4; </scriptWhenUnchecked > <checked>true</checked> <text>Protein</text> </jmolCheckbox > <jmolButton><script>reset; wireframe off; spacefill off; trace off; hide water; spacefill on; rotate ON; color chain; select *:1, *:2; color cpk; </script><text>reset</text></jmolButton> </jmol>

The structure of the N-terminal domain of lambda repressor in a cocrystal with operator DNA was described by Beamer and Pabo[1]. DNA recognition is via a helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif <jmol> <jmolLink> <target>1LMB</target> <script> select 33-52:3, 33-52:4; color yellow; hide hoh; </script> <text>(highlight HTH)</text> </jmolLink> </jmol>that contacts operator DNA in the major groove. Additonal contacts are made by an N-terminal arm <jmol> <jmolLink> <target>1LMB</target> <script> select 1-6:3, 1-6:4; color yellow; </script> <text>(highlight arm)</text> </jmolLink> </jmol>that reaches around the DNA.

The N-terminal domain forms weak homodimers via helix 5-helix 5 contacts <jmol> <jmolLink> <target>1LMB</target> <script> select *:3,*:4; spacefill off; cartoon; select 84,87; spacefill on; select *; hide hoh; hide *:1,*:2; zoomto (84:4) 300; </script> <text>(highlight)</text> </jmolLink> </jmol>[2].


See Help:References for how to manage references in EcoliWiki.

  1. Beamer, LJ & Pabo, CO (1992) Refined 1.8 A crystal structure of the lambda repressor-operator complex. J. Mol. Biol. 227 177-96 PubMed
  2. Reidhaar-Olson, JF & Sauer, RT (1988) Combinatorial cassette mutagenesis as a probe of the informational content of protein sequences. Science 241 53-7 PubMed