Sequence Assembly Exercise
DNA Sequence Assembly
Tools to illustrate sequence assembly
TAMU Genomics Read Maker
This is a tool written for the the undergraduate/graduate genomics class at Texas A&M. Paste in any arbitrary text and set parameters to generate fragments that students can assemble by looking for overlaps. Example:
Input text (From Darwin):
Causes of Variability -- Effects of Habit and the use and disuse of Parts -- Correlated Variation -- Inheritance -- Character of Domestic Varieties -- Difficulty of distinguishing between Varieties and Species -- Origin of Domestic Varieties from one or more Species -- Domestic Pigeons, their Differences and Origin -- Principles of Selection, anciently followed, their Effects -- Methodical and Unconscious Selection -- Unknown Origin of our Domestic Productions -- Circumstances favourable to Man's power of Selection.
When we compare the individuals of the same variety or sub-variety of our older cultivated plants and animals, one of the first points which strikes us is, that they generally differ more from each other than do the individuals of any one species or variety in a state of nature. And if we reflect on the vast diversity of the plants and animals which have been cultivated, and which have varied during all ages under the most different climates and treatment, we are driven to conclude that this great variability is due to our domestic productions having been raised under conditions of life not so uniform as, and somewhat different from, those to which the parent species had been exposed under nature. There is, also, some probability in the view propounded by Andrew Knight, that this variability may be partly connected with excess of food. It seems clear that organic beings must be exposed during several generations to new conditions to cause any great amount of variation; and that, when the organisation has once begun to vary, it generally continues varying for many generations. No case is on record of a variable organism ceasing to vary under cultivation. Our oldest cultivated plants, such as wheat, still yield new varieties: our oldest domesticated animals are still capable of rapid improvement or modification.
text is 1888 characters. Need 629.33333333333 for 10 X coverage paired end fragment length is 40 READ:0001a parent species had been expos READ:0001b which the parent species had READ:0002a ifferences and Origin -- Princ READ:0002b s, their Differences and Origi READ:0003a ings must be exposed during se READ:0003b be exposed during several gene READ:0004a nts which strikes us is, that READ:0004b first points which strikes us READ:0005a species had been exposed unde READ:0005b ad been exposed under nature. READ:0006a record of a variable organism READ:0006b case is on record of a variabl READ:0007a n; and that, when the organisa READ:0007b f variation; and that, when th READ:0008a eings must be exposed during s READ:0008b be exposed during several gen READ:0009a ion; and that, when the organi READ:0009b of variation; and that, when READ:0010a e plants and animals which hav READ:0010b sity of the plants and animals READ:0011a n Origin of our Domestic Produ READ:0011b f our Domestic Productions -- READ:0012a pecies -- Domestic Pigeons, th READ:0012b Domestic Pigeons, their Differ READ:0013a irst points which strikes us i READ:0013b s which strikes us is, that th READ:0014a Habit and the use and disuse READ:0014b Effects of Habit and the use a READ:0015a ceasing to vary under cultivat READ:0015b vary under cultivation. Our o READ:0016a ent species had been exposed u READ:0016b s had been exposed under natur READ:0017a d which have varied during all READ:0017b ve varied during all ages unde READ:0018a ldest cultivated plants, such READ:0018b ion. Our oldest cultivated pla READ:0019a ch other than do the individua READ:0019b re from each other than do the ...