Phage MS2
Bacteriophage MS2
Full sequence available from NCBI at NC_001417
Genome Organization
<gbrowseImage> name=NC_001417:1..3569 source=bacteriophage_MS2 width=800 type=Genes </gbrowseImage>
3569 bases of ssRNA, linear, (+) strand
4 genes encoded; gene order: A (maturation), coat, lysis (overlaps both coat and rep genes), rep (replicase)
Life cycle
Adsorption and Injection
Absorbs to F pilus of E. coli [1]
RNA replication
- Requires the MS2-encoded protein, Replicase, as well as 3 host proteins: EF-Ts, EF-Tu & ribosomal protein S1 [2][3][4]
- MS2 does NOT require Hfq, unlike Qbeta
- T=3 morphology, with 180 copies of coat and addition of a single copy of A protein
- Packaging of RNA genome is proposed to begin with aggregation of coat protein at specific regions of the genome
See also
In the July 17, 2008 RefSeq release from NCBI the taxon ID changed from 12022 to 329852. Click here see for yourself.
See Help:References for how to manage references in EcoliWiki.
- ↑ LOEB, T (1960) Isolation of a bacteriophage specific for the F plus and Hfr mating types of Escherichia coli K-12. Science 131 932-3 PubMed
- ↑ Fedoroff, NV & Zinder, ND (1973) Factor requirement of the bacteriophage f2 replicase. Nature New Biol. 241 105-8 PubMed
- ↑ Lupker, JH et al. (1974) An Escherichia coli mutant with an altered elongation factor Tu. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71 460-3 PubMed
- ↑ Blumenthal, T et al. (1972) Bacteriophage Q replicase contains the protein biosynthesis elongation factors EF Tu and EF Ts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 69 1313-7 PubMed
- ↑ Lodish, HF & Zinder, ND (1966) Replication of the RNA of Bacteriophage f2. Science 152 372-7 PubMed
- ↑ Lodish, HF & Zinder, ND (1966) Semi-conservative replication of bacteriophage f2 RNA. J. Mol. Biol. 21 207-9 PubMed
- ↑ Atkins, JF et al. (1979) Binding of mammalian ribosomes to MS2 phage RNA reveals an overlapping gene encoding a lysis function. Cell 18 247-56 PubMed
- ↑ Model, P et al. (1979) Characterization of Op3, a lysis-defective mutant of bacteriophage f2. Cell 18 235-46 PubMed
- ↑ Beremand, MN & Blumenthal, T (1979) Overlapping genes in RNA phage: a new protein implicated in lysis. Cell 18 257-66 PubMed