Phage MS2

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Bacteriophage MS2

Full sequence available from NCBI at NC_001417


Genome Organization

<gbrowseImage> name=NC_001417:1..3569 source=bacteriophage_MS2 width=800 type=Genes </gbrowseImage>

3569 bases of ssRNA, linear, (+) strand

4 genes encoded; gene order: A (maturation), coat, lysis (overlaps both coat and rep genes), rep (replicase)

Life cycle

Adsorption and Injection

Absorbs to F pilus of E. coli [1]

RNA replication

  • Requires the MS2-encoded protein, Replicase, as well as 3 host proteins: EF-Ts, EF-Tu & ribosomal protein S1 [2][3][4]
    • Produces (-) strands that are complementary to the packaged strand and (+) strands, which serve as the template mRNA for translation of the MS2 proteins & is also packaged [5][6]
    • Replicase is extremely error-prone relative to DNA replication machinery
  • MS2 does NOT require Hfq, unlike Qbeta


  • T=3 morphology, with 180 copies of coat and addition of a single copy of A protein
  • Packaging of RNA genome is proposed to begin with aggregation of coat protein at specific regions of the genome


  • The L protein is necessary and sufficient to elicit lysis of E. coli [7][8][9]

See also


In the July 17, 2008 RefSeq release from NCBI the taxon ID changed from 12022 to 329852. Click here see for yourself.


See Help:References for how to manage references in EcoliWiki.

  1. LOEB, T (1960) Isolation of a bacteriophage specific for the F plus and Hfr mating types of Escherichia coli K-12. Science 131 932-3 PubMed
  2. Fedoroff, NV & Zinder, ND (1973) Factor requirement of the bacteriophage f2 replicase. Nature New Biol. 241 105-8 PubMed
  3. Lupker, JH et al. (1974) An Escherichia coli mutant with an altered elongation factor Tu. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71 460-3 PubMed
  4. Blumenthal, T et al. (1972) Bacteriophage Q replicase contains the protein biosynthesis elongation factors EF Tu and EF Ts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 69 1313-7 PubMed
  5. Lodish, HF & Zinder, ND (1966) Replication of the RNA of Bacteriophage f2. Science 152 372-7 PubMed
  6. Lodish, HF & Zinder, ND (1966) Semi-conservative replication of bacteriophage f2 RNA. J. Mol. Biol. 21 207-9 PubMed
  7. Atkins, JF et al. (1979) Binding of mammalian ribosomes to MS2 phage RNA reveals an overlapping gene encoding a lysis function. Cell 18 247-56 PubMed
  8. Model, P et al. (1979) Characterization of Op3, a lysis-defective mutant of bacteriophage f2. Cell 18 235-46 PubMed
  9. Beremand, MN & Blumenthal, T (1979) Overlapping genes in RNA phage: a new protein implicated in lysis. Cell 18 257-66 PubMed