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Balikó, G and Venetianer, P (1993) An Escherichia coli gene in search of a function: phenotypic effects of the gene recently identified as murI. J. Bacteriol. 175:6571-7


Earlier we reported that an open reading frame located at 89.5 min of the Escherichia coli map (ORFI) codes for a protein of unknown function that could be overexpressed and purified to homogeneity (G. Balikó, A. Raukas, I. Boros, and P. Venetianer, Mol. Gen. Genet. 211:326-331, 1988). In the work described here, we attempted to learn the function of this protein by inactivating the chromosomal gene and providing it or its deletion derivatives on temperature-sensitive plasmids. We found that the presence of the functional ORFI gene is essential; cells are not viable at the nonpermissive temperature or when the region coding for the C-terminal 50 amino acids of the protein is deleted. At intermediate temperatures or when the gene is overexpressed, characteristic changes occur in cell morphology, nucleoid separation during cell division, and supercoiling of plasmids. The possible mechanisms of these effects are discussed in view of the fact that Doublet et al. (P. Doublet, J. van Heijenoort, and D. Mengin-Lecreulx, J. Bacteriol. 174:5772-5779, 1992) recently identified the ORFI gene as murI, involved in D-glutamic acid biosynthesis.


PubMed PMC206768


Bacterial Proteins/genetics; DNA, Bacterial/genetics; Escherichia coli/genetics; Genes, Bacterial; Phenotype; Restriction Mapping


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