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Henning, U, Sonntag, I and Hindennach, I (1978) Mutants (ompA) affecting a major outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli K12. Eur. J. Biochem. 92:491-8


Seventy independent mutants have been analyzed affecting a major protein, polypeptide II, of the outer cell envelope membrane from Escherichia coli K12. They were classified as nonsense mutants of the amber type (20%), mutants most likely of the missense type possessing the protein at normal concentrations (9%), and mutants either missing the protein or harboring it at much reduced concentrations for unknown reasons (71%). Forty of the mutants were analyzed genetically and all were found to map at or near ompA, the structural gene for protein II. Two-dimensional electrophoretic analyses of envelopes from such mutants revealed an unusual heterogeneity of the protein which on such patterns appeared as at least 12 well separated spots, and the majority of these is due to artifacts of the method but apparently specific for this protein. In no case was a polypeptide fragment found in envelopes from the nonsense mutants. The results are discussed regarding two different phages which use the protein as a receptor and concerning the biosynthetic incorporation of the protein into the outer membrane.




Cell Membrane/analysis; Coliphages; Escherichia coli/genetics; Genes; Membrane Proteins/genetics; Molecular Weight; Mutation


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