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A Database of Databases


Community project

Upcoming events:
Web Services:

Same feature set as MediaWiki


</protect> See Help:Database_table for how to add or edit information in this section of EcoliWiki.

About MetaBase

MetaBase, the database database.

MetaBase is a user contributed 'database of databases' that uses the same MediaWiki technology as EcoliWiki to allow users to freely add descriptions of databases. The focus of MetaBase is biological databases and online resources. Currently a large number of databases and resources have been taken from the Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) Database and Web Server issues, respectively. However, in addition to this resource, a growing number of user contributed databases have been added.


Currently MetaBase contains 4,787 pages that have been edited 5,517 times by 29 registered users. Of these pages there are nearly 50 user contributed resources and over 1000 databases and 800 web services collected from the NAR database. Any of these pages can be updated by anybody.

Using MetaBase


The databases in MetaBase may be browsed by category. If future more ways would be good...

  • Here is a category tree for browsing [1].


The full text of any of the MediaWiki pages may be searched using the standard MediaWiki search technology.

  • Here is the search page [2].

Usage examples

Its fun.

  • Here is a list of my favourite databases [3].
  • Here is a list of the most recent user contributions [4].
  • The EcoliWiki entry in MetaBase [5].
  • ... (MetaBase is for you!)

Other sites with related content

There are many, including EcoliWiki! For a full list of related projects see [6].


Its MediaWiki baby!

Web Services/API

See MediaWiki API



See Help:References for how to manage references in EcoliWiki. Publication TBA (see [7]).

External Links

MetaBase URL:http://BioDataBase.Org

Discussion of MetaBase on other websites

  • MetaBase on Wikipedia.
  • MetaBase on Open Wet Ware.
  • MetaBase is featured on BioWiki.Net [8].
  • Metabase in the Database of Biological Databases [9].
  • The MetaBase version 1.0 release announcement on Bioinformatics.Org [10].
  • The "Database of Databases of Biology Databases" kindly mentioned MetaBase [11].