EcoliWiki:GO Team Comments

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Below are comments provided by the first team of students to input GO content under Gene Products for the EcoliWiki.

Michelle Ratcliff, Fall 2007/Spring 2008

Miriam Garcia, Fall 2007

Working with the Wiki itself was not too difficult once you understood the basics. The gene pages were easy to navigate and understand. When I first started working on learning about gene ontology I was a little overwhelmed and thought that it was something too complex for someone without much experience in biochemistry or microbiology. But after learning the basics of what GO actually is and its 3 sections it started to make sense. What was most helpful in annotations was working through them together with someone who had annotated before. This way I had a better understanding of what I was searching for and what was actually pertinent to annotate. After a while I caught on, but since to me it seems that the annotations can be a tedious process, I would suggest creating a course for credit so that students don't fall behind and don't lose sight of what's important in the literature.

Stephanie Michinock, Spring 2008