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- Dextrin
- N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine
- D-Fructose
- L-Fucose
- D-Galactose
- Maltose
- D-Mannitol
- D-Mannose
- b-Methyl-D-glucoside
- D-Sorbitol
- D-Trehalose
- a-D-Glucose
- a-D-Glucose-1-phosphate
- a-D-Glucose-6-phosphate
- Glycerol
- DL-a-Glycerol
- D-Galactoniate
- D-Galacturonate
- D-Gluconate
- D-Glucuronate
- Acetate
- a-Hydroxybutyrate
- a-Ketobutyrate
- a-Ketoglutarate
- DL-Lactate
- Succinate
- Bromosuccinate
- Glucuronamide
- L-Alanine
- L-Alanyl-glycine
- L-Asparagine
- L-Aspartate
- Glycyl-L-aspartate
- D-Serine
- L-Serine
- Inosine
- Uridine
- Thymidine