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Resource Name Resource Type Description Source Notes


GFP Fusion

Intergenic region (2347423..2347724) fused to gfpmut2.


GFP fusion described in Zaslaver, et al.
Plate:109-AZ11; Well:D10[1]

  1. Zaslaver, A et al. (2006) A comprehensive library of fluorescent transcriptional reporters for Escherichia coli. Nat. Methods 3 623-8 PubMed

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The highlighted rows are different from the copy of the table from the wiki. This includes rows that have been edited and rows that you added. You can delete rows from the working copy in this view before continuing.
Resource Name Resource Type Description Source Notes


GFP Fusion

Intergenic region (2347423..2347724) fused to gfpmut2.


GFP fusion described in Zaslaver, et al.
Plate:109-AZ11; Well:D10[1]

  1. Zaslaver, A et al. (2006) A comprehensive library of fluorescent transcriptional reporters for Escherichia coli. Nat. Methods 3 623-8 PubMed