\ PortEco: portal for E. coli research

Protein Synthesis Rates

Gene, Category or GO id:


This form accepts gene names, synonyms, and accessions (e.g. b numbers or ECK numbers) based on nomenclature from gene pages in EcoliWiki. To search for all genes in an EcoliWiki Category, use the full EcoliWiki page name (e.g. Category:Gene List:Rac prophage)



Protein synthesis is expressed as molecules per generation.

aGenes with few than 128 reads mapped (low confidence) in the sequencing dataset.


  1. Li et al. (2014) Absolute quantification of protein production reveals principles underlying protein synthesis rates. Cell 157:624-635
  2. Neidhardt, FC, Bloch, PL and Smith, DF (1974) Culture medium for enterobacteria. J. Bacteriol. 119:736-47