\ PortEco: portal for E. coli research
This data browser is for data from Nichols et al. (2010) Phenotypic Landscape of a Bacterial Cell. Cell 143, 1097–1109

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Growth data (Strain/Condition)
Correlations among strains
Correlations among conditions
strain Please enter at least one query.
If you leave a field empty, the search will look for all.


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Enter a search term for a strain or condition in one or both of the input fields. If you leave one blank, the database will look for all values. The all x all arrays are very large, so we don't allow them to be displayed. The full datasets are available upon request.

Download data files

coli_FinalData2.txt 12.3 MbTab delimited text file of correlation coefficients for strain x condition relative fitness scores
strainCC.txt 150.6 MbTab delimited text file of correlation coefficients for strain x strain profile comparisons
324drugCC.txt 1 MbTab delimited text file of correlation coefficients for condition x condition profile comparisons
conditions.txt 33 kbTab delimited text file of conditions and keywords
nichols.tgz 61.5 MbCompressed archive of the .txt files above
nichols.zip 61.5 Mb